[bzrtools] graph-ancestry: option --noantialias typo?

Bernhard Voelker list at bernhard-voelker.de
Mon Nov 26 23:54:46 GMT 2007


on my OpenSuSE box, Graphviz does not seem to be installed, obviously:

    berny at squealer:~/web/hopfa3> bzr --version
    Bazaar (bzr) 0.93.0.dev.0
      from bzr checkout /usr/local/bzr/bzr.dev
        revision: 3029
        revid: pqm at pqm.ubuntu.com-20071126213320-adxxra3gsie5inhw
        branch nick: bzr.dev
      Python interpreter: /usr/bin/python 2.5.0.final.0
      Python standard library: /usr/lib/python2.5
      bzrlib: /usr/local/bzr/bzr.dev/bzrlib
      Bazaar configuration: /home/berny/.bazaar
      Bazaar log file: /home/berny/.bzr.log
    Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007 Canonical Ltd.
    bzr comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  bzr is free software, and
    you may use, modify and redistribute it under the terms of the GNU
    General Public License version 2 or later.
    berny at squealer:~/web/hopfa3> bzr plugins
    /usr/local/bzr/bzr.dev/bzrlib/plugins/multiparent.pyc [unknown]
            Implementation of multiparent diffs for versionedfile-like 
    /usr/local/bzr/bzr.dev/bzrlib/plugins/launchpad [unknown]
            Launchpad.net integration plugin for Bazaar.
    /home/berny/.bazaar/plugins/bzrtools [0.92.1]
            Various useful plugins for working with bzr.

    berny at squealer:~/web/hopfa3> bzr graph-ancestry proj.png
    bzr: ERROR: Can't find 'dot'.  Please ensure Graphviz is installed 

Interestingly, the error message is different for SVG output format:

    berny at squealer:~/web/hopfa3> bzr graph-ancestry proj.svg
    bzr: ERROR: Can't find 'dot'.  Please ensure Graphviz is installed 
correctly, or use --noantialias

but there seems to be a typo in the suggested option "--noantialias":

    berny at squealer:~/web/hopfa3> bzr graph-ancestry --noantialias proj.svg
    bzr: ERROR: no such option: --noantialias

Surprisingly, the option mentioned in the usage message does not seem to 
work either:

    berny at squealer:~/web/hopfa3> bzr graph-ancestry --help
      --no-antialias        Do not use rsvg to produce antialiased output.

    berny at squealer:~/web/hopfa3> bzr graph-ancestry --no-antialias proj.svg
    bzr: ERROR: Can't find 'dot'.  Please ensure Graphviz is installed 
correctly, or use --noantialias

What's meant by "Can't find 'dot'"? The current directory?
The command was issued in `bzr root`.

Great work beside that! Thank you.

Have a nice day,

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