[RFH] bzr-svn on Windows (was: [MERGE] windows standalone installer creates and uses "plugins" directory for system-wide plugins (#129298))

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at samba.org
Fri Nov 23 23:49:20 GMT 2007

On Fri, 2007-11-23 at 16:30 +0200, Alexander Belchenko wrote:
> This patch in the same time bug fix (wishlist-fix actually)
> and improvements. IMO this change is worth to include to 1.0.
> With this patch standalone bzr.exe will able to load plugins
> from C:\Program Files\Bazaar\plugins. This directory will
> be used therefore as location for system-wide plugins.
> Currently there is no easy way to install plugins for standalone
> bzr.exe for system-wide usage (beside using BZR_PLUGIN_PATH
> environment variable): because all python modules (compiled
> to pyc) stored inside one big library.zip. Now we have this
> option.
> So any plugins author could provide nice installer for
> his plugins. I'm planning to write short "how-to" instruction
> and provide example of Inno Setup script for creating
> installer for bzr plugins. Another good installer compiler is
> NSIS (home page says it's possible to build windows installers
> with NSIS even on Linux, but I have no experience with its
> scripting language).
> There were/are some requests for including some plugins to bzr installer
> itself, but no consensus was reached.
> IMO, including bzrtools to 1.0 release is the right thing.
> Not sure about other plugins. And I'm not sure I can fulfill Jelmer's
> request about bzr-svn (because I have no experience with bzr-svn, 
> especially on win32).
Are there perhaps people interested in helping out with creating and
maintaining a bzr-svn installer for Windows? I can provide some help
fixing portability bugs in bzr-svn, but I don't have the resources or
interest to update the installer for each release, update the svn
libraries now and then or do testing on Windows. 


Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer at samba.org> - http://samba.org/~jelmer/

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