Committing a checkout as a different user?

Iwan Vosloo iwan at
Thu Nov 22 20:25:49 GMT 2007

Thanks John and Jeff.

For posterity - we now have the following setup which works perfectly:

Machine A, which hosts our BZR repo.
  - With dedicated user who can access the repo,
    and whose authorized_keys allows all (real) people who may want

Machine B, which hosts puppetmaster (we use puppet for configuring all
  - With /etc/puppet which is a checkout from BZR by the dedicated user
mentioned above. (Used bind/unbind once to change the already checked
out config to "belong" to this new user)
  - With /etc/profile tweaked to always export BZR_EMAIL

Our workstations
  - With ForwardAgent allowed for machine B

Now we can so sudo bzr update to get new config from the bzr repository,
and sudo bzr commit happily logs who did stuff in the event that we
change someting directly on machine B.

- Iwan

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