Reasons for selecting Bazaar over other tools

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Tue Nov 20 08:38:21 GMT 2007

With the pending release of 1.0, it's likely that we'll see a large
increase in users aware of Bazaar and trying out Bazaar. Among the most
common questions we're likely to be asked on the mailing list or IRC, I
expect to see ...

  " Why would I use Bazaar instead of Subversion?".

This will be closely followed by "OK, DVCS rules but why would I select
Bazaar over Git or Mercurial?". As I'm lazy, I wanted some documents
that I could point people to each time rather than explaining it over
and over again. :-)

With this in mind, I've put together these Wiki pages:


I'm no expert in the other tools, or Bazaar for that matter, but I hope
these documents accurately reflect the feedback we receive from our user
community on why Bazaar rocks vs the competition. If you have further
insight into these things, please don't hesitate to tune/adjust/correct
the documents.

Ian C.

PS: Thanks to those people, particularly James Westby and Aaron Bentley,
who have already helped me quite a bit getting the documents to their
current state. All mistakes are my fault though. :-)

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