
Robert Collins robertc at
Tue Nov 20 08:29:33 GMT 2007

On Sat, 2007-11-10 at 13:36 +0100, QbProg wrote:
> Hello there!
> I'm moving a project at work to Bazaar, since I'm trying to set up a 
> build server. I've run for two or three time into a sort of "corruption" 
> issue,
> so maybe you can help me.
> I have a relatively big project, with 1000x of source files and many 
> binary support files. I'm gradually importing the source files into the 
> repository, so
> I can "familiarize" with Bazaar (I'm the only developer).
> I'm using Windows XP, with bazaar 0.92rc1 , but I got the same issue 
> with 0.91.
> Here are the steps:
> 1 - I created a repository in a network Samba share , and I mapped it to 
> a network drive. The network share is mapped to a network hard drive 
> with samba interface.
> Z:\> bzr init-repo --no-trees .\
> 2 - I created a branch Devel
> Z:\> bzr init Devel
> 3- I checked out (lightweight) the branch to my local development 
> folder, called C:\Devel\
> C:\> bzr checkout Z:\Devel C:\Devel --lightweight
> after that I successully did 15 commits while adding some parts of my 
> source trees. These commits where small and imported
> only text files.
> Then I decided to do the "big step", so I tryed to import the remaining 
> tree. I did that in two different revisions,
> 16 and 17, for a total of 1500+ files , text and binary.
> The commits successfully worked. Note that I never has connection 
> problems, or  fault reports.

> Now , here comes the problem.
> C:\Devel> bzr status -V
> removed:
> a.cpp
> b.cpp
> .
> .
> .
> .
> In fact, all the files of my previous two commits appeared as "removed". 
> (the file in my checkout were of course present)

This is very strange. For a.cpp to show as removed either you have run
'bzr remove a.cpp', or there is no 'a.cpp' on disk.

Are you sure that the files are present? Perhaps they have been renamed
to A.cpp (note the case difference) ?

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