How to manage config files

ITSec_Mike itsec.listuser at
Tue Nov 20 06:25:00 GMT 2007

On Tue, Nov 20, 2007 at 08:52:47AM +1100, Martin Pool wrote:
> On Nov 20, 2007 8:20 AM, ITSec_Mike <itsec.listuser at> wrote:
> > I am new with bazaar and I like very much what I have seen so far.
> >
> > So far I use it mainly for managing my config files on my Linux machines.
> > Actuallly I am not happy with my set-up because I have a .bzr directory
> > in each and every directory where a config file is located.
> >
> > I would like to have a more central approach, e.g. having only one .bzr directory where
> > I can put all my config files in it. Obviously the origin file has to remain in its
> > origin location.
> It depends a bit on where those files are.
> I know some people just do 'bzr init /etc' and add files within that.
> That will just give you one .bzr in /etc, and nothing in
> subdirectories.
> For personal configuration files I have a .mbpconfig directory in my
> home directory and I make symlinks into it for particular files I want
> to version.  I like this because it avoids accidentally adding things
> I don't want to version and makes it easy to make exceptions for some
> files on some machines.  But you could just init your home directory.

I have config and ohter files which I want to version spread over different directories.
Does that mean there is no way to have all them centrally stored and managed by bazaar?

When I have various .bzr directories on my machines, is there a way to get a single view on them?

Thanks for any tipp.
Best regards,
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