What is a safe way of backing up a shared bzr repository

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Fri Nov 16 13:46:48 GMT 2007

Hans Fangohr пишет:
> Hi all,
> following the instructions given at
> http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/centralized_workflow.html,
> I have created a shared repository on the server with
> bzr init-repo --no-trees bzr+ssh://my.server.name.uk/Users/bzr/documents
> Here is my question: what is the safe and recommded method to make
> backups of this repository? Can I just take a file copy of the
> subdirectory (i.e. tar it up and store it somewhere)? Or should I be
> more careful (for svn one can use the hot-backup.py script, or dumpy
> the data base into a text file, but a direct copy of the file systems
> is not recommenden [in case somebody in committing as you copy the
> files]).
> Any advice (or pointers to the documentation [which I have searched
> before]) would be welcome.

Basically you could just tar shared repo.
But potentially you can end up with incomplete history in some branch
if someone will try to commit when you try to backup. You may end up 
with some junk info in the backup archive, locked repo/branch etc.

IMO, safest way is to duplicate your shared repo with branches before
archiving, and delete after you created tarball.

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