[MERGE] Automatic discovery of tests

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Nov 13 21:44:03 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Aaron Bentley has voted reject.
> Status is now: Vetoed
> Comment:
> There seems to be consensus that breaking the test suite isn't acceptable.

How did this break the test suite.

And I certainly don't feel a consensus was reached.

The last thing from Alexander was that it was fine, as I believe the same from

It doesn't break the test suite for normal usage (installing bzr directly). It
is only broken for the standalone installer.

Robert feels iffy about having the tests automatically found, because of tests
not getting run if they aren't found. However, we already are auto-loading the
tests from files that we list. So it isn't introducing any new problems. In
fact, I think it is closing a hole where we add the tests, but forget to update
the lists.

Double recording means that if you forget to 'bzr add' it will complain when it
gets to the pqm. However, if you fail to add, we won't see any tests in review.
Which again is safer than seeing the tests in review, and not having them run
by the PQM. (Because you forgot to add a single line to the test list.)

If the only blocker is because of the standalone installer, I can write the
code to list tests inside a zip file.

But I do think you rejected this before an actual consensus was reached.


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