BB feature request

John Arbash Meinel john at
Thu Nov 1 21:51:05 GMT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> it's possible to have on "Mine" tab list of my own patches fuly approved.
>> Currently I see only "Resubmit" and "Conditionally approved", but fully
>> approved is not here.
> Yeah, we can add something like that.  Only problem is trying to
> describe clearly what that tab contains.
> Aaron

There is also another side effect of our current voting system. I think it is
okay, but it is something to keep in mind.

Specifically, with the current system we tend to discourage more than the
minimum number of reviewers, unless the first ones vote tweak/comment/etc. I
think it is okay, because we tend to still have people see the patch on the
mailing list.

But I realized that having the patch disappear once it was officially approved
means that just going by the "My Pending" page, you may not see patches that
you actually disagree with.

Not a big deal, just something I wanted to bring to our general consciousness
so we remember to at least glance at things in our email, or on the Pending page.

As a small BB thing... Would it be possible to allow vote-by-email in a follow
up thread? If it is too much, don't worry about it. I've just had times when I
made a comment, and then as part of the thread decided to vote, and those
always send back a "Voting error, Unknown merge request". It is just usually a
pain to track back the thread myself, and re-vote, but not necessarily enough
of a pain that you need to spend a lot of effort on it.

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