[MERGE][158972] Don't use timeout in HttpServer

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Thu Nov 1 18:45:53 GMT 2007

Robert, could you add a call to 'timeout' around make check on PQM?

On 11/2/07, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Vincent Ladeuil wrote:
> > We had a problem on Mac OS X since the first http test server
> > implementation.
> >
> > It turns out it's due to the fact that the python http test
> > server we build upon use socket.makefile() internally and since
> > http://docs.python.org/lib/socket-objects.html says timeout and
> > makefile should not be mixed, we shouldn't.
> >
> > Why didn't it break more obviously ? I don't know.
> >
> > But this patch remove the timeout use and the test suite still
> > pass, and, more importantly, webdav test suite is passing again :)
> >
> > This does not address
> > https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/69978, it may make it
> > more prone to occur, but testing under both Gutsy and OS X didn't
> > triggered it.
> >
> >           Vincent
> I would actually rather avoid "makefile()" than settimeout. If we can't make
> that work, then I'm okay with this.
> - From what I remember, the main difference is that on Linux, it can block
> waiting for the timeout, or issue EAGAIN.
> But on Windows (and maybe Mac?) if it would block *at all*, then it raises
> an
> exception. So basically settimeout sets "raise exception on blocking" and
> doesn't actually do any timeout.
> However, if it wouldn't actually block (there is already data in the pipe)
> then
> you don't get a failure.
> I guess with those tests, it just stresses it a bit more, and it is slightly
> more likely that the consumer thread tries to read before the producer
> thread
> gives it data.
> The reason to have settimeout is because otherwise a bad test would cause
> the
> pqm to hang, etc.
> I think the Launchpad pqm has a watchdog running, that kills the commit if
> it
> takes too long. Maybe we just need to do something like that?
> John
> =:->
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