error while committing on bound branch

Noam Lewis lenoam at
Wed Oct 31 22:06:27 GMT 2007

After a short discussion on #bzr, i found that this was caused because
during the bzr+ssh operation, ssh encountered a permission error on one of
the files, which in turn caused a disconnection, which in turn caused this
error (which does NOT describe a disconnection, obviously).


On 10/31/07, Martin Pool <mbp at> wrote:
> > This sort of thing can be caused by network problems, e.g. the host is
> > unreachable or incorrect.  I had a patch for these problems, but it
> > wasn't deemed suitable for merging.
> I thought it was probably that, but I was surprised not to see some
> kind of message about the connection being broken.
> --
> Martin
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