[RFC] [MERGE] Help text updates

Matthew Revell matthew.revell at canonical.com
Mon Oct 29 20:16:05 GMT 2007

Hi guys,

I've made an initial stab at rewriting some of the Bazaar help texts
in builtins.py. A merge directive is attached.

I've still got more to do but I'd like to see if you're happy with the
approach I've taken so far.

A couple of questions about the text:

I've standardised on "status", rather than "state", in the "bzr
status" help. Any objections? Have I unwittingly changed the sense?

kind - I've used "type", as well, to emphasise what "kind" means. Is
that likely to confuse?

A quick question about my merge directive:

My merge directive has changes from other people that, I think,
resulted from a few merge conflicts when I pulled down the latest set
of revisions. These appear in files I haven't touched, so I'm a little
concerned. I've got to admit I'm not sure whether it's something worry
about or not, so if someone could enlighten me, that'd be great.


Matthew Revell - talk to me about Launchpad
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