bzr-svn fetching all revisions even though -r 500 passed to branch command

Nicholas Allen allen at
Mon Oct 29 14:25:34 GMT 2007

>> Is there a better way to do this? Would it be possible to code a 
>> workaround in bzr-svn so that it only fetches revisions in blocks of 500 
>> or so to get around the svn memory leaks?
> The workaround that the Mercurial folks have implemented is invoking
> "svn log" and parsing the output. I'd be happy to include patches that
> make it possible to use a similar workaround for bzr-svn.

Could another simple workaround be to fork another process that executes 
the exact same code as now but only fetches 100 revisions at a time? It 
would keep forking these processes in a loop until all revision data has 
been fetched. This is essentially what I am doing manually by Ctrl-C'ing 
it every so often and restarting. Do you think this would work? I'm not 
sure if python supports this and on all platforms or not though...


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