[MERGE] initial cut of user doc for knitpack repositories

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Oct 25 12:03:01 BST 2007

On Thu, 2007-10-25 at 20:57 +1000, Ian Clatworthy wrote:
> +If you have an existing branch or repository and wish to migrate it
> to
> +a ``knitpack`` format, use the ``upgrade`` command like this::
> +
> +  bzr upgrade path-to-my-repo 
>+If ``path-to-my-repo`` is not provided, the current repository - and
>+all branches within it - will be upgraded.


bzr upgrade --knitpack-experimental path

Secondly, upgrade *only ever* alters the .bzrdir at the path it is
given. So branch objects are not altered by upgrading the root of a
shared repository.

I think a little intro at the top, like i had in my dogfooding email,
about the improvements, without getting technical would be good.

Packs are a new repository format for bzr, which is expected to be
faster both locally and over the network, is usually more compact, and
will work with more FTP servers.


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