Getting Started with Bazaar presentation updated (and ready forthe masses)

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Wed Oct 17 01:33:37 BST 2007

John Yates wrote:
> Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> Yeah, I'd be happy with some friendier term for "merge directive".
> There really are only two meaningful ways for upstream to incorporate work:
> 1) apply a patch
> 2) perform a merge
> When talking email a newbie most likely imagines a patch-based model.
> The presence of the word _merge_ underscores the semantic difference in what bzr can accomplish.  I think that it is the imperative connotation -- "Do this!" -- of the term _directive_ that this a bit off-putting.  The recipient of an MD actually has full leave to merge or not has she chooses.
> So maybe something like "merge packet" might be more palatable.

Nice. Maybe "merge pack"? Or "merge bundle" even.

FWIW, the term "merge directive" has never sat comfortably with me
because it sounds limited to a one sentence thing. While bundle may not
be technically correct, it does capture the whole "intelligent patch"
capability better IMO.

Ian C.

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