Problems with tonight

Robert Collins robertc at
Tue Oct 16 04:25:28 BST 2007

On Tue, 2007-10-16 at 12:35 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> Talking this over Ian and I came up with a hypothesis: this happened
> when the packs format changed from being annotated to unannotated,
> without a synchronized bump of its version string.  (If that did not
> occur we need a new hypothesis. ;-)

You need a new hypothesis I think, as the problem revno has not been
propogated to from anywhere other than my integration knits
repo, and I independently converted each knit repo atomically.

I still have the prior version of the pack repository on if you want to check the content though.

>    People might then have been
> using an older version of the pack code, which thought they were still
> annotated, to pull from Robert's repository in which the annotations
> were removed.  Those changes would then incorrectly be inserted into
> their knit repo without being reannotated.  If this is true then we'd
> expect this problem is no longer reproducible using the current pack
> code, and it should teach us to bump versions even for unreleased
> dogfood formats. 

One would expect consistent corruption of at least all the texts
introduced by the same revision. Does that appear to be the case?

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