[RFC] Why DVCS Matters

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Fri Oct 12 01:38:38 BST 2007

> What I meant was that keeping a list of (dumb) patches you want (e.g.
> when downstream) and reapplying them when a new upstream version comes
> out sucks. Far easily to do that dance by either having:
> 1. your own branch with patches applied and merging the new work, or
> 2. applying bundles with the full intelligent metadata available.
> Does anyone disagree? Does anyone have any ideas on how best to explain
> that if the above isn't clear enough?

That sounds good.  One particular case is that bb is really much nicer
than patchwork or some other means of keeping a queue of patches,
because it can tell when a patch has been updated or merged.


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