[MERGE] Remove the ReopsitoryKnit3 class

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Oct 8 05:57:33 BST 2007

On Mon, 2007-10-08 at 00:49 -0400, Martin Pool wrote:
> Martin Pool has voted tweak.
> Status is now: Conditionally approved
> Comment:
> +    There is one and only one format for every disk format. The actual
> +    repository types do not indicate disk format at all - only 
> repo._format can
> +    be used to determine the disk format of a Repository instance.
> +
> 'actual repository types' seems ambiguous.  It would be clearer to say
>    There is one and only one Format subclass for each on-disk format.
>    But there can be one Repository subclass that is used for several
>    different formats.  repository._format can be used to determine etc.

Will change.

> +    # make an manually, or incorrectly initialised KnitRepository 
> object
> +    # invalid
> I don't understand the comment; these are set from mandatory constructor 
> parameters.  I think it's just out of date.

Subclasses do not *have* to call the constructor, so this is in fact nor
out of date.

> @@ -388,7 +389,7 @@
>           fid_bar1 = u'b\xe5r-01'.encode('utf8')
>           fid_sub = u's\xb5bdir-01'.encode('utf8')
>           fid_bar2 = u'b\xe5r-02'.encode('utf8')
> -        expected = [(u'', fid_root, None, None),
> +        expected = [(u'', fid_root, None, rev_id_2),
>                       (u'b\xe5r', fid_bar1, fid_root, rev_id_1),
>                       (u's\xb5bdir', fid_sub, fid_root, rev_id_1),
>                       (u's\xb5bdir/b\xe5r', fid_bar2, fid_sub, rev_id_2),
> This is in the tests for xml5.  I can see xml5 can include a
> root revision id if there is one in the input, but I don't see
> why this test is changing.

Because the object model for inventory wants a root revision, and the fix to the serialiser to do this (which was previously done in the Repository class) exposed this skew in the test.
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