[rfc] avoid assert statements?

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Mon Oct 1 16:42:45 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Martin Pool wrote:
> The question of when it's ok to use 'assert' has come up in a few
> reviews recently; Robert suggested we should set a standard for it.  I
> wouldn't say it's hugely urgent but thought I'd write this down rather
> than forget it.
> As you probably know, assert is equivalent to
>   if __debug__:
>     if not CONDITION:
>       raise AssertionError(MESSAGE)
> where __debug__ is controlled by the Python -O flag, which is normally absent.

I tend to think of "assert" as a check for developers, which is meant to
be disabled for most people at runtime.

That way when I'm prototyping something new I'll get an assertion error
if I ask the wrong thing.

I would be happy enough to have the default installer set the '-O' flag.
 So that running from source would be normal, but running from an
installed bzr would have assertions removed.

I agree that there are places which are either "this always needs to be
check, so check for real and raise a real error" and there are some
which are "I'm prototyping, so let me check my assumptions" which we
don't need in production code anymore.

I don't really want to see a general "don't use assert" because I think
it is a useful tool.

But then again, maybe it is only really useful for developing/debugging,
and thus shouldn't ever be in bzr.dev....


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