spam on wiki take 2...

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Sep 27 05:01:45 BST 2007

On Tue, 2007-09-25 at 09:26 -0300, Fabio Machado de Oliveira wrote:
> Robert Collins escreveu:
> > Well, today I deleted 18 spams *from today*.
> > 
> > This is getting ridiculous.
> > 
> > How about locking the wiki with an ACL with the following settings:
> > 
> >  - any user of the wiki can add people to the ACL to edit the wiki
> >  - all pages that are currently 'any user can edit' become 'users in
> > this acl can edit' - and we set it as the default for new pages.
> > 
> > This will force spammers to get someone already in the wiki users group
> > to add them before they can edit pages, so after a few days where we
> > find out the existing spammers, we should be spammer free.
> > 
> > On the down side, rather than 'its a wiki, you can contribute', we will
> > have 'its a wiki, get any existing wiki user to authorise you by asking
> > on IRC/mailing list'. Which is a bit chilling on contribution, but
> > perhaps the nuisance value has got to this level.
> > 
> > -Rob
> Perhaps a smaller step like testing if the user's e-mail is valid, having a
> confirmation to do it, and/or a captcha, would be enough for automated spam.

This is actually a bigger step; it requires a third pary add-on to the
wiki to do a captcha; and there is reason to believe humans seed the
account details *anyway*.
has details on the acl system.

If I read it right, my proposal is equivalent to;
* create a group BazaarWikiGroup
* Add all current users to this group.
* change acl_rights_default to
acl_rights_default = u'BazaarWikiGroup:read,write,delete,revert All:read' 

I've had an additional off-list response supporting the proposal, but
suggesting that the editors group could well be limited to e.g. the pqm
committers group or some other 'core' group. Personally I think having
it open to all people who have shown human interest is better because:
 - it makes it easier to get write access
 - its still very easy to police - we can just remove anyone that is a
spammer, and whoever added them to the group if that account is


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