help me understand test_fetch_no_inventory_revision

Robert Collins robertc at
Sun Sep 23 23:03:46 BST 2007

On Mon, 2007-09-24 at 06:24 +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
> Hi Aaron, in revision 1910. you added a
> test_interrepository.test_fetch_no_inventory_revision.
> I'm not sure what this is meant to test; its being triggered by the
> InterPack fetch optimiser, which fails currently. But I'm not sure why
> its failing, and the monkey patching of deserialise_inventory seems
> unrelated to what the optimisers do (any native format optimiser is
> unlikely to deserialise the full inventory ...)
> I'm going to track down why it fails, but it sure would help me have a
> quick note on what its trying to test, any why the monkey patching is
> needed.

Well, I've fixed the bug, which was real - but that test still confuses
heck outta me.

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