Locking problem (showstopper)

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Fri Sep 21 17:53:02 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Steve Bennett пишет:
> Hi all,
>   I reported this bug on XP:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/140869
> Just wondering if someone could have a look at it and give me some idea of
> whether this is likely fixable. There seems to be a general problem with
> maintaining the lock file, such that perhaps one time in 1000 or so,
> something goes wrong and the lock file can't be created or removed or
> something.
> Failing that, as a workaround in my script, I could simply break the lock
> and try the commit again, but the "break-lock" command seems to need a human
> confirmation. Any way around that would be appreciated.

1) Are you using modified version of bzr or some plugin? Because
mainline bzr does not have option --date for commit. Is it possible
that your non-mainline version is incorrect?

2) I'm not sure that I understand how to reproduce your problem.
If it's repeatable error, can you provide exact sequence of actions?
It seems that repository stays locked (repository lock is actually
special dir + special file with locking info) when you run `bzr update`.
Is it possible, that you run several concurrent commands on the same time?

3) I don't understand why for you need local commits and then updates.
If you wish import your old repository in Bazaar, I think
the best way is to write special plugin for this task, if there is no
support for your old VCS. And even in the case if you don't want to
write special plugin for import, you don't need local commits + update, IMO.

4) There is probability that repository lock is removed by bzr, but it stays
some time on disk. And if you have fast enough computer with slower HDD,
may be it's the case. Also, there is option for NTFS HDD to choose between
speed and reliablity of data on disk. Open properties for your HDD,
select third tab on the properties panel (I don't have english windows,
so I'm not sure how exactly it named, probably equipment[s], or device[s]),
on device properties panel select Policy tab, and you'll see checkbox,
that enable/disable write cache. May be this option will help in your case.

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