Newbie has a problem with shared repos

Tomasz Primke tprimke at
Thu Sep 20 16:59:32 BST 2007

> 'bzr init' creates a *repository*, *branch* and a *working tree*.
> You need a *working tree* to do 'bzr add', 'bzr st' etc.
> 'bzr init-repo' creates a *repository* only.

So, in order to create a shared repository I have to do:

$ bzr init-repo /path/to/repo

and then, provided the following repo structure:


I have to create empty branch in the trunk directory:

$ cd /path/to/repo/trunk
$ bzr init

Now, when I want to create a branch in /path/to/repo/branch directory, I do:

$ bzr branch /path/to/repo/trunk /path/to/repo/branch/a-new-branch

And all branches created in such a way will share the (shared) repository.

Am I right?

> We have docs on this in the user guide and also 'bzr help repositories'.

I haven't found this topic in docs. But the truth is I'm new to bazaar
and I haven't got familiar with the docs. For now, I'm playing with
the software "after hours"... So far it looks very promising (it's the
simplest VCS tool I have ever seen!).

Thanks for your answer!

Best regards,


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