Can Bazaar call external XML diff/patch programs?

David Clymer david at
Mon Sep 17 23:38:44 BST 2007

On Mon, 2007-09-17 at 01:34 -0700, Rocky Kahn wrote:
> I'm looking for version control system which I can adapt to store and
> retrieve XML diffs (as opposed to line-based diffs).  We already have
> software to generate the XML diffs and apply the XML patches so we're
> looking for a version control system which can be easily modified to
> use external programs for diff & patch.
> This academic paper describes altering darcs (a version control system
> written in Haskell) to support xydiff (an external XML diff and
> patching program).  However, darcs website is down and the project
> appears to be unsupported while Bazaar seems like a thriving version
> control project.

Not to dissuade you from using bazaar, but is up, and
according to the activity indicated by the web view of the project's
unstable (development?) branch, as well as their bug tracking interface,
it is alive and well.

For bazaar, I believe that Stephen Ward has developed a plugin that
allows the use of external diff tools:

However, I don't know if it works with the latest version of bazaar.


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