[RFC] pre-knits to plugin?

Martin Pool mbp at sourcefrog.net
Thu Sep 13 02:11:20 BST 2007

On 9/12/07, Robert Collins <robertc at robertcollins.net> wrote:
> What does everyone think about moving all pre-knit code to a plugin
> project, not shipped with bzr.
> We could leave a stub bzrdir and repo format markers behind that can say
> 'please download the bzr_weave plugin' or something like that when such
> a format is seen.
> I think this might make it more clear where our defaults in Repository
> etc are really geared for weaves rather than our current library
> support, and noone should have weave repos anymore anyway.

That'd be ok with me.  It would make the tests and load time a little
faster too.

I think most of the code clarity would probably come from removing
weave-related defaults out of the base classes into subclasses.

As Andrew says it is a very neat way to handle deprecation.


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