Creating a branch reference without opening

David Allouche ddaa at
Wed Sep 12 14:30:56 BST 2007


In the Launchpad test suite, I want to create branch references that
point to locations that cannot be opened (e.g. file://local/branch and However the bzrlib API does not seem to
provide a way to create a branch reference without opening it.

Those tests are feature tests, so they should not use mocks and need to
operate on branch references on disk. Since they test input validation
that is done using bzrdir.get_branch_reference before opening the
branch, so they do not need to open the branch references, and they
should fail if they do try to open it.

The code to create branch references is
bzrdir.branch.BranchReferenceFormat.initialize, it ends with a that calls on the referenced location.

I filed a bug on this issue:
No API to create a branch reference without opening it

If you have a non-hackish solution that does not involve modifying
bzrlib, I would like to hear about it.

                                                            -- ddaa
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