Flooda SCM?

Hendy Irawan hendy at rainbowpurple.com
Tue Sep 11 20:57:08 BST 2007

Does anybody ever noticed/tried this? (before/during choosing SCMs, 
including Bazaar)


*What's Flooda?*

Flooda is a free SCM/VC (Software Configuration Management / Version 
Control) tool. Its source code size is less than 4000 lines, only 1 
percent of SVN (Subversion) 's. But some of its features such as 
task/activity are more powerful than ClearCase UCM.

Flooda supports task/activity based approach, which is the key feature 
of modern (the third generation) SCM tool. Most of SCM tools are based 
on file version tree and do not support task yet. Some commercial SCM 
tools support task by make wrap on branch of file version tree to 
simulate task. But Flooda achieves this feature by design its 
architecture for task.

Task based approach could bring a lot of benefits. These benefits are 
described by popular SCM theories, but are limited or cost a lot in 
practice. The existing SCM tools supporting task are expensive, complex, 
hard to master, and not agile enough.

Now these difficulties are gone if you have a try on Flooda. Because of 
Flooda's full support on task, users could handle parallel release 
easily, could handle concurrent projects easily, could handle 
distributed development easily, and could handle arbitrary SCM 
scenarios, if they are reasonable.

Besides makes its architecture based on task, Flooda uses the rectangle 
model of merge, use filter to save time and space, and so on. These 
technologies/ideas make Flooda achieve 2 goals at the same time: simple, 
and powerful.

*Learn more from the preface of <Book of Flooda>: * /Preface 

*Related articles: */The Rectangle Model of Merge 
<http://www.scm-flooda.com/paper/rectangle_model_of_merge.1.1.pdf>/ and 
/The Enhanced Task Model 

*Related case: */Resolve SCM Puzzles via Flooda 

*Flooda in SourceForge: */Here <https://sourceforge.net/projects/flooda/>/

*Download Flooda: */Here 

*Contact author: */Mr. Flow <mailto:flow at scm-flooda.com>



Various software development environments has Mr. Flow been working in: 
Lab in university, some growing company, Siemens and Motorola. And 
various SCM tools has he been working with: ClearCase, CM Synergy, and 


Hendy Irawan

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