Bug report

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Tue Sep 11 05:00:39 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Steve Bennett пишет:
> Wow, really surprised to see this, I don't think I did anything too drastic,
> and I only downloaded this like two days ago. From memory, sequence of
> events:
> Create c:\bzr\proj1
> Add c:\bzr\proj1\foo.txt
> Create c:\bzr\work
> Merge from c:\bzr\proj1
> Rename c:\bzr\work\proj1\foo.txt to foorenamed.txt using Windows explorer.

Excuse me, but I don't understand how to reproduce your error.
Can you list bzr commands that you are ran before `bzr update`?
May be looking in .bzr.log will help?

> Then:
> C:\bzr\work1\proj1>bzr update
> All changes applied successfully.
> Updated to revision 0.

^-- this message seems suspicious.

> bzr: ERROR: exceptions.TypeError: sequence item 1: expected string, NoneType
> fou
> nd

We have 2 mails from different users with similar error.
Unfortunately I don't understand how to reproduce this error.

In both cases users used 0.90 bzr.exe.
In this version I used Python 2.5.1 that slightly different from 2.5.0 on win32
at generating OSError/WindowsError exceptions. I'll try to run selftest
on 2.5.1, may be this case already covered by test suite.

- --

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