Bazaar-based Wiki?

Hendy Irawan hendy at
Sun Sep 9 17:34:48 BST 2007

I'm currently running MediaWiki on my wiki,

I actually like Bazaar and I wonder if anyone has put a Wiki application 
on top of Bazaar. Or if there is a project in it.

Or, maybe, rather, use Bazaar as the storage engine for a Wiki 
(MediaWiki would be good?)

Thank you!

 From the way I _imagine_ it, I think it's quite easy to provide 
read-only access to such Wiki. Put some web-based script that accesses a 
Bazaar checkout/working copy/branch (still not 'getting' the terms) and 
format it with Textile/Markdown.

Write access need not be provided by the web-site. It's a pain to edit 
my current Wiki using MediaWiki's online editor. I'd rather love to be 
able to hack through the Wiki files using whatever favorite editor I 
happen to want, then merge/pull/push using Bazaar.

Hendy Irawan

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