[BUG] bzr-svn

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Sep 7 22:52:21 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 07.09.2007, 21:26 +0300 schrieb Alexander Belchenko:
>> Jelmer Vernooij пишет:
>>> Hi Nicholas,
>>> Am Freitag, den 07.09.2007, 18:46 +0200 schrieb Nicholas Allen:
>>>>> What exactly do you mean by latest version? 0.4.1, or the latest revision from the 0.4 branch
>>>> Sorry I should have made that clear. I meant the latest stable version 
>>>> from the ubuntu packages. I have bzr-svn 0.4.1-1 and bzr 0.90-1bazaar1 
>>>> installed using apt.
>>> Thanks for the update. I don't think there are any fixes in current
>>> trunk that may have fixed this issue.
>>> Can you perhaps run the import again with BZR_PDB=1 set and post the backtrace here?
>> May be you mean with -Derror flag?
> What does -Derror do? BZR_PDB=1 still works here in 0.90.
> Cheers,
> Jelmer

BZR_PDB=1 is supposed to drop you into the pdb debugger when you get an exception.

bzr -Derror foo

will print out the full traceback to the screen (rather than showing you the
single line error).

It is equivalent to just reading ~/.bzr.log after the fact.


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