[RFC] Cheap re-pack?

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Fri Sep 7 03:13:03 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 19:55 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
>> I knew they worked like that initially, but I thought that was just a
>> temporary first step.  Are we planning to release them this way?
> I'd like to do *a* release of packs in 0.92. It doesn't have to be the
> default, but its so much better that I don't see any reason not to
> release a version as an incremental improvement.

Okay, everything makes much more sense in that context.  I certainly
don't want "the perfect" to be the the enemy of "the good", I just
didn't know your current thoughts.  When/if we start committing
fulltexts, we can look at my suggestion then.

>  - Faster commit by better delta logic - e.g. mpdiff/xdelta/blob rather
> than lines ??? [still not tied down to a decision]

John, what's your current thinking on xdelta?  I'd like to replace knits
with *something*, because I think the knit delta format has some
defects.  I'd be happy to do mpdiff, and I'd be curious to see whether
the C patience matcher levels the playing field in terms of speed.  But
I'd also rather xdelta than knit.

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