[RFC] Cheap re-pack?

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Sep 7 00:21:16 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:
>>>  AIUI, that's an expensive operation, because it requires
>>> generating deltas for 10 commits at re-pack time.
>> autopack preserves the existing deltas
> Which existing deltas?  I thought every time you committed it would
> create a fulltext, since the plan was to have the last-committed
> revision be a fulltext.
>> Autopack is intended to be cheap as possible, its only reason for
>> existence is to cap the latency generated by having multiple pack files
>> and their associated indices.
> This would probably make sense if I understood why there are existing
> deltas.  As I understood it, there would be no existing deltas.
> Aaron

Well, AIUI, at the moment packs store exactly the same data as knits. Just
rearranged differently in the files.

So we have the same sequence of deltas, with occasional fulltexts, etc. Just
that all entries in the commit for a single revision shows up as a single file,
rather than all entries over the history of a file.

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