[wiki] windows quick start for bzr & olive

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Thu Sep 6 03:20:51 BST 2007

hi windows users,

As mentioned previously I would like to make bzr & bzr-gtk on windows less
painful, by providing a all in one zip file for download on the wiki. For
now its on my home page.


On 8/30/07, Marius Kruger <amanic at gmail.com> wrote:
> hi,
> I spent almost the whole of yesterday figuring out how to get olive
> working on windows XP
> (M$-hell is no match for RPM-hell :)
> I got downloaded all the applications and libraries required, and
> want to put a 20MB zip of this along with instructions on the wiki.
> Do anyone have a problem with this?
> Do you think we there might be licensing issues with hosting a bundle like
> this?
> regards
> marius
> my notes so far:
> ==
> 12 easy steps to get bzr on Windows XP
>    1. Extract into a bzr.zip
>    2. install python 2.5
>    3. install pywin 32-209
>    4. install bzr
>    5. add python and bzr path to environment variable PATH eg:
>       - right click on my computer
>       - click on properties
>       - click on the advanced tab
>       - click environment variables
>       - under system variables, add or create a PATH variable
>       - add the following
>       ;C:\Python25;C:\Python25\Scripts
>       - The items are separated by ;
>          - It is assumed that your python was installed in
>          `C:\Python25`, if it is somewhere else, please adjust the variables.
>        6. Open up a new commanline console, and run the follwowing:
>    python --version
>     bzr --version
>     Both of them should give proper version information before you
>    continue.
>    7. install gtk
>    8. install py-gtk
>    9. install paramiko
>    10. install pycairo
>    11. install pygobject
>    12. install bzr-gtk
>       - extract it somewhere
>       - open a terminal window and cd into the directory where you
>       extracted it.
>       - run the following from the commandline:
>    python setup.py install
>     13. If everything worked so far you should be able to run:
>    python c:\Python25\Scripts\olive-gtk
> ==

Because I don't trust Version Control Systems with less than 6953 unit
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