[MERGE/RFC] Versioned properties spec

Vincent Ladeuil v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr
Tue Sep 4 08:12:47 BST 2007

>>>>> "bialix" == Alexander Belchenko <bialix at ukr.net> writes:


    >> +Format
    >> +~~~~~~
    >> + Each section name is path of file relative to
    >> +WT root.
    >> This is somewhat brittle; if a file is moved before the HRF version is
    >> updated, the association with path will be lost.

    bialix> It's OK because HRF is not intended to be in sync with internal data all the time.
    bialix> When user generate dump of VP bzr will produce [read-only] dump. If user wants
    bialix> to import HRF back and update internal data, he should take care about renames
    bialix> (or just don't rename files until VP will be updated).

    bialix> Using file ids instead of relative paths make HRF less human-friendly.

Use both then :)


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