
Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at
Tue Sep 4 06:46:49 BST 2007

Reg. Charney <charney <at>> writes:

> The following is the third crash that I have had in the last 12 hours. I 
> was trying to access svn2bzr. Is bzr ready? BTW, I tried bzr pull, but 
> it did not work -- it
> bzr push
> bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.UnlockableTransport: Cannot lock: transport is 
> read only: <bzrlib.transport.http._urllib.HttpTransport_urllib 
> url=>
> Traceback (most recent call last):


You certainly don't want to be pushing from your computer to the svn2bzr public
repository.  Is there a reason you think this should work?  If you can explain
it, we can work to improve our documentation and/or error reporting.

> BTW, I had tried the following before the command and crash above:
> [reg <at> regmac-fc6 junkmac]$ ls
> Drupal60ChangeLog.txt  grants_for_hitechub.txt  infoselect.txt  
> IssuesList.txt  LetterWrtLogo.txt
> [reg <at> regmac-fc6 junkmac]$ bzr pull
> bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the merge command to 
> reconcile them.
> [reg <at> regmac-fc6 junkmac]$ ls
> Drupal60ChangeLog.txt  grants_for_hitechub.txt  infoselect.txt  
> IssuesList.txt  LetterWrtLogo.txt
> [reg <at> regmac-fc6 junkmac]$ bzr merge
> bzr: ERROR: Branches have no common ancestor, and no merge base revision 
> was specified.

Is the current directory above a bzr working copy?  With its own history?  The
branch that you are pulling from doesn't share any history with a branch on your
own computer so bzr is unable to complete the merge.  What are you trying to
accomplish?  If you would like to get a copy of svn2bzr

bzr branch svn2bzr

should give you a directory named svn2bzr with what you want.  If you would like
to add a copy of svn2bzr to your current working copy, you could

bzr cat >
bzr add
bzr ci -m 'added svn2bzr'


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