[MERGE][Bug #115990] status should handle the -q (quiet) option like svn

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Mon Sep 3 09:53:54 BST 2007

Martin Pool has voted tweak.
Status is now: Not approved
The addition of short options is ok.

+    * ``bzr status`` now accepts '-SV', with SVN-like behaviour. 
+      Watkins, #115990)

It would be better to say '... now has -S as a short name for --short, 
and -V as a short name for --versioned.  bzr status -SZ is like svn 
status -q.'

+                     Option('short', help='Give short SVN-style status 
+                            short_name='S'),

A better description might be "show one line per file with short status 
indicators" or something.

For details, see: 

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