[MERGE] Verbosity levels and standard options

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at internode.on.net
Fri Aug 31 05:48:31 BST 2007


Following the recent RFC that raised the issues of:

* global vs command specific options is too limited a model
* verbose & quiet options ought to be part of a continuum

I'm pleased to submit the attached patch incorporating lots of improved
option goodness:

1. "Standard" options are now supported across all commands. The initial
   set of these is --help, --verbose and --quiet.

2. --verbose and --quiet now reset each other. Multiple verbosity and
   quietness levels are supported on the command line so commands that
   wish to can support "verbose", "really verbose" and "you'll be
   sorry with the amount of output you've asked for verbose".

3. Options now support custom callbacks to add special processing
   over and above the normal stuff.

4. Centrally registered options can now have custom help provided
   in a cleaner way than before.

I believe this should address the feedback provided to the RFC by Aaron,
Jari, Martin and others. If not, let me know and we can discuss it further.

I hope it also addresses the concerns raised in the review of "3 noise
levels for commit". I'll resubmit that patch once this is reviewed and

Ian C.
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