Version numbering post 1.0

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Thu Aug 30 00:50:33 BST 2007

Matteo Settenvini wrote:
> Il giorno mer, 29/08/2007 alle 12.48 -0300, Fabio Machado de Oliveira ha
> scritto:
>>> It works for ubuntu, so why not :)
>>> We can also use cool names like ubuntu does...
>>> /Erik - also half serious :)
>> You could start with the angry ant :P
> Or break the ubuntu tradition and go after vegetables and fruit instead
> of animals. Think about the "acerb apricot", for example. That would be
> a good name for an alpha release :-) Not yet juicy, but getting there.
> Sorry, couldn't resist,

I'm a fan of the Ubuntu version numbering system. But that's because a
primary issue around any OS is how long it's supported for. Working out
when the 18 month period for 7.04 ends, or 3 year period for 6.06 ends,
becomes super simple because of it.

In general, I don't think Bazaar has the same drivers as Ubuntu so I
don't see any real benefit of over x.y.z. If we want to say
"we'll support each version for N months" as opposed to talking about
support in terms of a number of releases, then I'd reconsider.

We can still have as many cool names as we like regardless. :-)

My 2c,
Ian C.

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