[MERGE] internal glob expansion for all commands on win32 and for invocations from the test suite

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Thu Aug 30 00:15:51 BST 2007

Robert Collins has voted resubmit.
Status is now: Resubmit
I'd like to see more docs in HACKING. Actually describe in brief what 
its about (e.g. 'command line parameters have a simple grammar with a 
suffix character describing whether its singular, optional(?), 
repeating(*), or repeating and a file path(#) (which get glob expanded 
when the platform does not support glob expansion).')

How does one add a file called '*' on win32 with this patch? Should 
--no-glob-expand turn *off* internal glob expansion (it doesn't seem to 
do that).

You have a complex, buggy reimplementation of mktmp -

+def is_case_sensitive(dir):
+    """Determine the case sensitivity of a file system location.
+    Checks whether the file system at a given path is case sensitive or
+    not. The location has to be writable.
+    :param dir: A directory path. May be relative.
+    """
+    assert isdir(dir)
+    import random
+    collision = True
+    while collision:
+        nbr = random.randint(1000, 9999)
+        f1 = pathjoin(dir, '~zzz%s' % nbr)
+        f2 = pathjoin(dir, '~ZZZ%s' % nbr)
+        collision = os.path.exists(f1) or os.path.exists(f2)
+    file(f1, 'w').close()
+    sensitive = not os.path.exists(f2)
+    os.unlink(f1)
+    return sensitive

This would be much simpler if you:
  - make a temp directory using the standard python api
  - make a file called 'z' in that directory
  - look for a file called 'Z'.

+class TestUsage(tests.TestCase):
+    """Tests for the generated usage description of a command.
+    (With special focus on the argument descriptions.)"""

The """ belongs on a new line (PEP8)

+    def _run(self, args, usage_msg):
+        class cmd_cmd(commands.Command):
+            takes_args = args
+        cmd = cmd_cmd()
+        self.assertEqual(usage_msg, cmd._usage());

This is misnamed - it does not 'run' the command, it checks the usage 
message of an argument list. So call it that - 
'assertCommandArgumentUsage(cmd, usage_message)

For details, see: 

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