Immediate merge of a bundle vs branch -r + pull and later merge
Erik Bågfors
zindar at
Tue Aug 21 10:47:49 BST 2007
> Can anyone suggest something procedurally or tool-use-wise that could be
> improved above or that would tip the balance in favour of the merge
> technique (1) or the pull one (2)?
I would do
bzr branch mainline tmp
cd tmp
bzr merge ../bundle.diff
bzr ci -m 'merge from foo'
#hack hack
bzr ci -m 'my changes'
cd ../mainline
bzr merge ../tmp
bzr ci -m 'merge in feature bar'
rm -rf ../tmp
The other option of course being
cd mainline
bzr merge ../bundle.diff
bzr ci -m 'merge feature bar from foo'
#hack hack
bzr ci -m 'my change to bar'
and be done with it. It will be somewhat strange since not the full
feature will be merged at one point, but does that matter for you?
(I'm assuming it's feature branches here, but the same applies anyway.
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