0.18: checking removes files automatically?

Andrew King eurokang at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 02:50:49 BST 2007

Ok. So, should I file a feature request on launchpad?

Just for further evidence, a question from someone else this morning:

"In bzr is there anyway to find the log message for a newly added file
before commiting?

I've just done a merge, and have noticed a few new files added (to the
xxxxx dir), and I wanted to make sure those files are supposed to be
there, but I can't find a log message to confirm this. I'm fairly sure
someone has legitimately added those files, but I wanted to be 100%
sure before committing."

IMHO, we are making people do more work by automatically
adding/removing than is saved by actually just typing bzr add, bzr rm.


ps. I don't want to sound like I am complaining, just want to make a
great vcs better!

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