BazaarSharp 0.90

Klaus Hartke klaus.hartke at
Sun Aug 19 03:07:03 BST 2007

Hi all,

I'm happy to announce BazaarSharp 0.90. BazaarSharp is a .NET library
written in C# built around bzrlib using the CPython API. It is the
heart of the Bazaar/Visual Studio integration effort.

The library is almost feature complete and covers all major use cases.
The approach of embedding CPython in C# turned out to be highly
successful. Most parts of the library are already in use for several
weeks now and are amazingly stable. A test suite is still to come

The source code is available from

The branch also contains PythonSharp, a .NET library written in C#
which wraps the CPython API allowing to call both from C# into Python
and vice-versa, and a simple command-line tool mimicking 'bzr' for
testing. The tool is heavily incomplete and provides only a few
commands, but is fully localisable.

The BazaarSharp library comes with comprehensive documentation in form
of a class reference. The documentation is embedded in XML format in
the source files and can be compiled to HTML with tools like
Sandcastle or NDoc.

BazaarSharp runs both with Microsoft's .NET on Windows and with Mono
on Linux. PythonSharp uses conditional compilation to be compiled
either for the UCS2 or the UCS4 version of CPython, and depends on
Mono for UCS4. The BazaarSharp library and the command-line tool are
fully platform independant and need to be compiled only once for all

Progress reporting requires some bits added to bzrlib which I will
submit shortly.

BazaarSharp was developed as part of the Bazaar/Visual Studio
integration project during this year's Google Summer of Code.
Everything was written from scratch in 14 weeks and now consists of
around 7500 lines of code and 1500 lines documentation (not including
the actual Visual Studio integration).

Please have a look and tell me what you think. Any feedback is highly

Many thanks to the Bazaar developers for an amazing platform to build
on, and to Wouter van Heyst for mentoring.

More on the Bazaar/Visual Studio integration will follow shortly.


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