Version numbering post 1.0

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Fri Aug 10 04:22:13 BST 2007

Robert Collins wrote:

> So I think:
> X.Y.Z where:
>  X is 0 for now, and 1 soon.
>  Y indicates how close to the next X we think we are, from 0-99.
>  Z indicates a bugfix only change for a given X.Y - by which I mean no
> command changes, no library API changes - e.g. something that is
> *really* safe to drop into an existing environment.

Works for me.

So 0.19 would become 0.90.0, 1.0 would be 1.0.0 and our 1st monthly
release after 1.0.0 would be 1.1.0.

We need to be confident though that our external communications are
clear enough w.r.t. compatibility commitments. Slightly more
professional Release Notes and Upgrade Guides post 1.0 would achieve
that IMO. As discussed previously, it's not worth making those things
much better than they are now prior to 1.0 though.

Ian C.

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