[MERGE] internal glob expansion for all commands on win32 and for invocations from the test suite

Kuno Meyer kuno.meyer at gmx.ch
Thu Aug 9 19:40:53 BST 2007

On 09.08.2007 16:57, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Aaron Bentley has voted resubmit.
> Status is now: Resubmit
> Comment:
> As on list: don't skip testing ascii or unicode on case-sensitive 
> platforms.  Instead, test case-sensitivity separately from testing 
> ascii/unicode.

- separated tests about case-insensitive expansion from other 
win32-specific tests which cope with '\' as directory separator

- all other glob expansion tests never have been skipped, so ??

- other requests (AB, 09 Aug 2007 09:25:33 -0400) implemented

As earlier mentioned, "bzr selftest wildcard Win32Utils" covers most of 
the new functionality and could be run on Linux before proceeding (as I 
did not test it on that platform).

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