Bazaar VCS User Registration web page now ready for testing!

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Thu Aug 9 07:01:50 BST 2007

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Ian Clatworthy пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> I'm not exactly understand what you propose for installer:
>> fire a browser to open this survey?
>> just show url to user?
>> other?
> All I had in mind was some text at the end of the installation process
> saying something like ...
>   If you would like to help us improve Bazaar by telling us about
>   yourself and what we could do better, please register and complete
>   the online survey here: http://...
> In other words, just a link to the survey URL somewhere they are likely
> to see it. If the installer always shows the README file, they'll see
> the message there (after I add it) so there's no benefit changing the
> installer. I haven't used the Windows installer so I'll leave it up to
> you as to what you think is best.

Actually, there is not so much available options in Inno Setup.
The simplest option is to use this:

[Setup]: InfoAfterFile
Specifies the name of an optional "readme" file, in .txt or .rtf (rich text) format, which is
displayed after a successful install. This file must be located in your installation's source
directory when running the Setup Compiler, unless a fully qualified pathname is specified or the
pathname is prefixed by "compiler:", in which case it looks for the file in the Compiler directory.

This differs from isreadme files in that this text is displayed as a page of the wizard, instead of
in a separate Notepad window.

If the user selects a language for which the InfoAfterFile parameter is set, this directive is
effectively ignored. See the [Languages] section documentation for more information.


If it's OK to use such option, then I'll prepare a patch with your text.
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