[MERGE] key-length GraphIndex adapter

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Thu Aug 9 05:10:07 BST 2007

Hash: SHA1

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-08-08 at 16:58 -0400, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> I had two patches up, this, and the knits _PackAccess patch. The
> _PackAccess patch included most, but not all of this patch - and John
> reviewed the entire set.

Okay.  Well, someone else can review this.

> It does add a uniform prefix to keys

- From the perspective of a caller, the prefix will never appear in the
output.  So from that perspective, it is stripping the prefix.

> I'd like the name to:
>  - indicate that it implements the GraphIndex protocol (its not a plain
> Index - it is Graph aware)
>  - indicate that its not an index on its own, rather an adapter to tweak
> the behaviour of another index
> I'm happy to add Filtering or Filtered to the name...
> GraphIndexPrefixFilteringAdapter ?

I think that legibility is suffering for the sake of total accuracy.

>>   That might actually
>> be sensible, if you were trying to make knit/weave repos provide an
>> interface similar to pack-based repos.
> The adapter is used to provide a knit interface to pack based repos, so
> it is exactly that, though the other way around from what you
> suggest :).

I knew what it was for.

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