[MERGE] internal glob expansion for all commands on win32 and for invocations from the test suite

Kuno Meyer kuno.meyer at gmx.ch
Wed Aug 8 22:16:14 BST 2007

On 08.08.2007 20:16, Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Aaron Bentley has voted resubmit.
> Status is now: Resubmit
> Comment:
> Doing this based on variable name is too magic for my taste.  I suggest 
> we add a new marker that causes glob expansion to happen, and also imply 
> that multiple arguments would be converted into a list.  If it was, say 
> '#', we would change 'file*' to 'file#' everywhere it is used.


In order to 'convince' ;-) plugin authors to switch their argument 
types, I added a warning message if a command defines "file*" in the 
takes_argument member. Otherwise, I fear, most of the plugins won't get 

Please note that (as I stated in my initial post) I never ran the test 
suite under Linux, especially ("bzr selftest wildcard Win32Utils").

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