Bazaar VCS User Registration web page now ready for testing!

Paul Moore p.f.moore at
Wed Aug 8 14:20:51 BST 2007

On 08/08/2007, Alexander Belchenko <bialix at> wrote:
> Ian Clatworthy пишет:
> > As discussed previously, I've put together a registration survey based
> > on the questions proposed here:
> * Details in question about size of project...
> I can't say what exactly but it seems slightly odd.

I agree. I'm just starting to look at Bazaar, and at the moment am
only really evaluating it. So being asked to list 3 projects, number
of developers, etc, felt a bit offputting. I didn't actually go beyond
this point in the survey, and I think if I was doing it "for real",
I'd do the same.

Maybe this question should be rephrased:

How much do you use Bazaar?
  * New user, evaluating it
  * Personal use
  * Large single-developer project(s)
  * Multi-developer environment
  * Major public project

(I'm not sure about the later ones, as I'm very much not in this
category!) Could be a list for the user to select the most appropriate
one, or checkboxes allowing the user to select all that apply.


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