bzr-svn broken when branching under a svn working-copy

Jelmer Vernooij jelmer at
Mon Aug 6 13:43:01 BST 2007

Hi Adrian,

On Sun, 2007-08-05 at 13:01 +1000, Adrian Dries wrote: 
> (Using bzr-0.18-1, bzr-svn-0.3.5-1 from gutsy, otherwise feisty)
> ~ is under svn, ~/tmp is not. 'svnhome' is an ssh alias.  It's
> unavailable because it's on an encrypted filesystem.
> Why should a higher-level svn working-copy affect this checkout?
Bazaar is probably trying to find a shared repository to use for the new
checkout you're creating. Subversion checkouts can never be used as
shared repositories, but Bazaar crashes before it gets there.

I've filed a bug about getting bzr-svn to raise the right exception so
Bazaar will know that the .svn directory can't be used for storing
custom revisions.


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