[MERGE] selftest fails if the committer name contains non-ASCII characters

Martin Pool mbp at canonical.com
Wed Aug 8 02:29:47 BST 2007

Martin Pool has voted resubmit.
Status is now: Resubmit
+    * Use UTF-8 encoded StringIO for log tests, to avoid failtues on
+      non-ASCII committer name.  (Lukáš Lalinský)


 > I've renamed the method and changed the encoding to always use UTF-8. 
> you think it would be better to use something like
 > tree.commit(committer='Lorem Ipsum <test at example.com>') in all 
> tests, I'll do it that way.

Yes, that was what I meant - except that it shouldn't just be Lorem 
Ipsum, but  some name that contains non-ascii characters, as yours does. 
Then we'll know that the problem is properly fixed.  At the moment the 
fix you have put in is not really tested.

make_encoded_stringio looks ok to me but other people might have 
comments.  John?

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